2023年3月12日 星期日

世界創新創造力日(Global Innovation Day)4月21號

全球創新日(Global Innovation Day)的起源可以追溯到加拿大的一個非政府組織“加拿大創意協會”(Canadian Creativity Association)首次於2018年4月21日舉行。2001年,該組織提議將4月21日定為全球創新日,以紀念創新巨匠李奧納多·達文西(Leonardo da Vinci)的生日,同時也是一個推廣創造力和創新的機會。隨著時間的推移,全球創新日的慶祝活動越來越廣泛,現已成為全球範圍內的一個重要事件。

全球創新日是一個非正式的全球性節日。這一天,人們通常會舉辦各種活動和研討會, 探討如何提高創新和創造力。這些活動包括舉辦創意比賽、為創新者和創業家頒發獎項、舉辦講座和工作坊等等。此外,許多企業和組織也會在這一天推出新產品或服務,以展示他們的創新能力和實力。全球創新日的意義在於它提供了一個平台,讓人們可以分享創意和經驗,啟發更多的創意和創新。 它也提醒我們,在現代社會中,創新和創造力已經成為一個重要的能力和競爭優勢, 它可以推動社會和經濟的發展,並為解決全球問題提供新的思路和解決方案。


  1. 世界知識產權日:每年4月26日,由世界知識產權組織(WIPO)設立, 旨在提高人們對知識產權的重要性和價值的認識。

  2. 創新日:每年11月15日,由聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)設立, 旨在推廣創新和可持續發展。

  3. 世界創業家日:每年8月21日,由世界創業家協會(World Entrepreneurship Forum)設立, 旨在推廣創業精神和創新。

  4. 全球創新日:每年4月21日,由“全球創新日”組織設立, 旨在提高人們對創新和創造力的意識和重要性。

  5. 美國的國家發明日(7月4日)

  6. 中國的創新創業日(5月24日)

  7. 加拿大:每年11月的第三個週四是加拿大的國家創新日(National Innovation Day), 旨在提高人們對創新的意識和理解,並推動加拿大的創新發展。

  8. 澳大利亞:每年5月的第一個週五是澳大利亞的國家創新日(National Innovation Day), 旨在提高人們對創新的認識和理解,並推動澳大利亞的創新發展。

  9. 英國:每年11月的第二個週四是英國的國家創新日(UK Innovation Day), 旨在推廣英國的創新和創造力,並提高人們對創新的認識和理解。

  10. 印度:每年1月30日是印度的國家科學日(National Science Day), 旨在紀念印度科學家Raman的誕辰,同時也是一個推廣科學和創新的機會。

2017年11月12日 星期日

Leadership From A Dancing Guy

this link  is from the end of a paper about " a summary of diffusion of innovations", which is the Professor a little assignment. i feel so suitable for ours IM course talk about first follower,  later entrance. The keywords leadership is all over-glorified, and must easy to following.

2017年11月5日 星期日

IM-Jamming-in class

Reading 5: Group Workshop
 Group 1, 2: FlyingV (https://www.flyingv.cc/)
 Group 3, 4: 故宮博物院 National Palace Museum (http://www.npm.gov.tw/)

• Draw a business model canvas.
• Is it sustainable or vulnerable ?
Our Team Speaker is Grace:

the other team briefing same issue

2017年10月23日 星期一

10/24 Q4 Answer

What is the first step of drawing the strategy canvas (the first step in visual awakening) ?

How to draw a Strategy Canvas in 4 steps from strategicoffee

There are 4 relatively simple steps to preparing your own Strategy Canvas.

1. Identify the competition

The first step to drawing a Strategy Canvas is to know who your competition is. In fact, this is essential to any strategic thinking process. Depending on the nature of your industry, you could identify individual competitors by name, or, as in the example above, you might find it easier to cluster them into a smaller number of semi-homogeneous groups. Don't forget to include your own business, if you are already in the market.

When identifying competitors, it is always important to look at the problem from the customer's perspective - who or what else could satisfy your customer needs? Had Southwest Airlines not done this, they would simply have listed the other airlines, and not realised that, in many cases, customers are choosing between flying and other modes of transport. It is unlikely they would have had the insight that led to their very successful strategy if they had not taken this broader view.

2. Identify the factors of competition

The second step is to identify the factors that your customers value when choosing the product or service you are offering. In the above example, these include the price, meals, lounges, seating choices, etc.

The simplest way to do this is to actually get out and speak to your target customers, but there are many research approaches you could adopt. Remember, it is important to speak to people who already buy your product and service, people who buy it but from your competitor, and people who don't yet buy your product and service but might in the future (especially if your strategy is successful). And don't forget that people don't always know what they want so you may need to get a little creative in order to find out.

3. Evaluate the competition

The third step is to draw the actual chart - draw a line for each competitor/type of competitor showing how well they perform in terms of each of the factors that your customers value.

It is often interesting to do steps 1 to 3 with a team in a closed room, just to see how different peoples strategy maps look in terms of the competitors/groups they select, the factors they consider important, and how they rate the competition. Strategy Canvases prepared on this basis can be significantly different, and the ensuing debate can be a valuable team building and strategising exercise if managed well.

However, once again, you can also ask your customers directly, just by talking to them or using a variety of research techniques, to get a more accurate and objective picture.

See also: 7 straight-forward steps to master competitor analysis

4. Chart your competitive differentiation

Now you are ready to map your new strategy onto the Canvas. The objective is to chart a line which is substantially different to the lines of any of your competitors/groups. That difference, that unique blend of competitive factors, is your competitive differentiation.

Of course, not just any differentiation will do. You must pick a combination that a sufficient number of your target customers will find compelling, in order to sustain your commercial objectives. You will undoubtedly have to dig deep into your box of other strategy tools to do so.

There is an art to drawing a really useful Strategy Canvas, but with a little practice, you can learn to draw really insightful diagrams. When you do, they are a great tool for communicating simple but powerful strategic ideas.

Why not share your own experiences with Strategy Canvases in the comments below?

The Four Steps of Visualizing Strategy
Visual Awakening 
• Compare your business with your competitors’ by drawing your “as is” strategy picture.
 • See where your strategy needs to change. 
Visual Exploration 
Go into the field to: 
• discover the adoption hurdles for noncustomers. 
• observe the distinctive advantages of alternative products and services. 
• see which factors you should eliminate, create, or change. Visual Strategy Fair 
• Draw your “to be” strategy canvases based on insights from field observations. 
• Get feedback on alternative strategy pictures from customers, lost customers, competitors’ customers, and noncustomers. 
• Use feedback to build the best “to be” strategy. 
Visual Communication 
• Distribute your before-and-after strategic profiles on one page for easy comparison.
 • Support only those projects and operational moves that allow your company to close the gaps to actualize the new strategy.

case study: 
Short-Haul Airline- Southwest airline

2017年10月18日 星期三


Q2    For late entrants, what is their advantage and disadvantage ?
What factors influence the optimal entry of timing ?
What is entry Barrier and how to lower it?